Updated March 10th 2020. Regarding the current Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak:

Digital Analytics Hub (DA Hub) is taking advice from the German government and health authorities regarding the Munich event scheduled for May 8th. Based on this advice (see links below), specifically relating to:

  • Audience - almost all local to Munich
  • Audience size - less than 70 attendees

We are proceeding with the event with the health and safety of our attendees, staff, and partners as our top priority.

As of today, we have no participants who will be travelling to the DA Hub from risk areas based on the risk area definition by the German Health Authorities (see risk area definition here in German).


We will be increasing hygiene provisions on site as a preventive measure. There will be more cleaning and disinfection precautions and every participant will receive their own hand disinfectant.

Furthermore, we support a “No Handshake” policy and ask you to follow all recommended preventive rules of conduct (sneezing into the crook of your arm, no hugging etc.)

We also ask all attendees to act on their own responsibility and:

  • Refrain from attending DA Hub Munich if they were in one of the risk areas within the last 14 days prior to DA Hub Munich or had direct contact with people from the known infection epicentres or show flu-like symptoms or feel ill at the time of departure to DA Hub Munich
  • To contact us immediately if you notice flu-like symptoms onsite

We will be announcing further measures as we get closer to the event date in line with the instructions and advice of the relevant authorities. This could include the exlcusion of delegates from high risk areas.

To reduce your financial risk we are offering registered delegates the option to cancel their tickets and receive a full refund up to Friday May 1st.


We continue monitoring the situation daily and will update the website accordingly.


Useful and informative links: